Purple and light blue hair
Purple and light blue hair

purple and light blue hair

Blue rinses persevered, and blue hair continued to be marketed to older women as a technique for graceful aging. Marilyn Monroe helped usher the fad right into the 1960s, with more than a little help from Clairol’s “Blondes have more fun” advertisements. The colorful craze might have lost steam if Hollywood had soured on platinum hair, but Harlow was far from the last of the blonde bombshells. Jean Harlow getting her hair set in 1933. “At this particular moment, it appears, the ladies are on the verge of forgetting the original intention of the blue rinse and are using it for its own sake.” “Some women, having observed the lavender effect and decided that it heightens rather than lowers their standing in the beauty scale, go in for it deliberately,” a columnist wrote in The Baltimore Sun in 1939. This happened frequently-and not always by accident. Though it worked well when properly done, a botched rinse could leave hair looking anywhere from slightly bluish to decisively purple. Almost immediately, beauticians and advice columnists started recommending blue rinses to older women as a way to restore luster to their gray or yellowish-white hair.

purple and light blue hair

Hairdressers used hydrogen and ammonia to turn tresses pale yellow, but the secret to achieving that silvery shimmer was a blue chemical solution called a “blue rinse.” It wasn’t an outrageous idea, since people were already accustomed to brightening their white linens with bluing agents. Her appearances in films like Hell’s Angels (1930) and the aptly titled Platinum Blonde (1931) inspired women to bleach their hair, too.

purple and light blue hair

Long before Friends fans flocked to salons asking for Jennifer Aniston’s “ The Rachel,” Jean Harlow popularized another head-turning hairstyle: locks so blonde they looked white.

Purple and light blue hair